by Ultimate Play the Game
Down and down I plunged, through Rocky Glades, Steep Ravines and Shady Hollows ... No grip, no footholds, slipping, tumbling, spinning, darker and darker, deeper and deeper.
Glinting eyes, clutching hands, clasping claws, clawing my all, as I swiftly twist and tumble onwards.
Darker and darker, deeper and deeper. It is the end that I fear, of this untroden voyage ... to where I do not know ... AARRRGGGG ...THUDDD...
Fall and end meet on soft mossy soil...with weapons drawn and senses full I move quickly and quietly around the mounded clearing ... All safe except a message...An ancient warning etched deep into the lifeless stone.
Controls | Action |
Q | Left |
W | Right |
E | Down |
R | Up |
T | Stab / Sword Fight |
A short history of retro 8-bit computers spanning from 1979 with the Atari 400 through to 1986 and the ZX Spectrum 128.
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