by Ultimate Play the Game
How'de Pardners.
NOW Y'ALL LISTEN UP. Seems we got ourselves a new Sheriff in town, reckons he gonna clear the town of the meanest and fastest Gun Totin' Bunch of Rootin' Tootin' Gun Slingers which ever did hit the Wild West, goes by the name of Sheriff Quickdraw. Yes Siree.
Controls | Action |
X, V, N | Left (Gunfright Mode) |
C, B, M | Right (Gunfright Mode) |
A, S, D, F | Walk (Gunfright Mode) |
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0 | Draw / Fire (Gunfright Mode) |
CAPS Shift, Break Space | Pause (Gunfright Mode) |
Z, Symbol Shift | Change View (Gunfright Mode) |
X, V, N | Left (Fast Draw Mode) |
C, B, M | Right (Fast Draw Mode) |
Q, W, E, R, T | Up (Fast Draw Mode) |
A, S, D, F, G | Down (Fast Draw Mode) |
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0 | Fire (Fast Draw Mode) |
Z, Symbol Shift | Change View (Fast Draw Mode) |
A short history of retro 8-bit computers spanning from 1979 with the Atari 400 through to 1986 and the ZX Spectrum 128.
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